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The Great Cicada Invasion: How to Survive the Buzz in Houston​

Howdy, y’all! Houston in the summer sure is a sight to behold: the scorching sun, the mouth-watering aroma of BBQ filling the air, and… the deafening symphony of cicadas? Yep, those little buzzers are back, and they’re ready to turn your backyard into the loudest hoedown this side of the Mississippi. But before y’all start packin’ your bags for a cicada-free zone, let’s talk about these noisy critters and how you can get along with ’em without losin’ your mind or your garden.

The Cicada Serenade: Nature’s Loudest Concert

Now, first things first, let’s talk about that racket they make. Cicadas are famous for their loud, non-stop buzzing. It’s like nature decided to throw a 24/7 jamboree right outside your window. But don’t y’all worry! While their songs can be louder than a two-steppin’ contest, they’re really just cicadas’ way of sayin’, “Howdy, partner! I’m lookin’ for love!” It’s all part of their grand mating ritual, which only happens once every 13 or 17 years for some species. So, think of it as a rare natural event—like the cicada equivalent of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

Will Cicadas Destroy My Garden?

Here’s where y’all can take a deep breath and relax. Despite their overwhelming presence, cicadas are more bark than bite. These winged wonders aren’t interested in your flowers, veggies, or even your prized lawn. Cicadas are all about the sap—they spend their days sippin’ on tree roots. While their egg-layin’ can leave tiny slits in twigs and branches, mature trees can handle this minor cosmetic damage. Your roses and tomatoes are safe from their shenanigans!

The Benefits of Cicadas: Yes, You Read That Right

Believe it or not, cicadas are like nature’s very own aerators. When they pop outta the ground, they leave little holes that help aerate the soil. Plus, when they eventually pass on, their bodies decompose and provide nutrients to the soil. It’s like gettin’ a free compost delivery from Mother Nature herself. So, while their visit might be noisy, it’s also good for your garden’s long-term health.

Tips to Coexist with Cicadas

  1. Protect Young Trees: If y’all have recently planted young trees, consider wrappin’ their trunks in netting to keep cicadas from layin’ eggs in the tender branches.
  2. Keep Calm and Carry On: Remember, cicadas don’t bite or sting. They’re harmless to humans and pets, even if they do look a bit frightenin’ up close.
  3. Enjoy the Show: Embrace the experience! Cicadas are a unique part of our ecosystem. Take this chance to teach the kiddos about nature’s cycles and the wonders of the insect world.

Final Buzz

So, Houston homeowners, as you fire up the grill and enjoy the summer, let’s welcome our buzzing guests with open arms (and maybe some earplugs). The cicadas are here for a good time, not a long time. And who knows? By the end of the season, y’all might even find yourselves hummin’ along to their peculiar tune. Happy buzzing, y’all!